
My blogging may be surprising to some of you, because I am exposing myself in every sense (even to the World Wide Web), and all of you will have full access to my thoughts and inspirations. Plus, I really haven't done much else to get my self socially connected to the online world other than email. Well this blog is my first step in being part of the 21st century and doing something different for the year 2009! (Facebook® will be my next eventual task.)

I am going to try and maintain postings consistently, but I will admit there will be an occasional dry spell, or two, or three due to my roller coaster hours at my day job.

Don't forget, your comments, thoughts and questions are welcomed anytime. If you want to see a topic that I have yet to list, let me know. Thanks and come back soon!


  1. Yea! Thanks for sending this to me! We are so excited! Love the site!

  2. WOW! I think this blog is a great idea and I am also cheering you on! Congrats to you both!!!!!Let the magic begin!
    Best, Jenny
