OMG! I think I almost had an anxiety attack. First of all, I have been going to bed the last few nights really late since I seem to pass the time working on my wedding projects and before I know it, it's 1-2 a.m. in the morning. Well lucky me this morning, I get a 6 a.m. phone call interrupting my dead sleep, and it wasn't a good one.

It was a rep from the wholesale floral vendor that I ordered from, and she tells me "All the Yellow Ranunculus florals are dead." Of course, I was still half sleeping and didn't realize the enormity of the situation. And then I swear, my heart skipped a beat – no florals what-so-ever. Somehow all the flowers got fumigated?? to kill the insects I think. I have no clue why they did this, but they are done for and can't be revived.
I had to hang up the phone and rethink the situation and what to do now? What yellow florals? I had to do some research on my computer and see what yellow floral alternatives are out there. Surprisingly, I ended back up on the classic and oh-so-traditional rose. I am going with the Spray Rose however since the buds are much smaller, and it almost has a similar feel to the Yellow Ranunculus that I originally wanted. Hopefully, the fire has been put out and no more drastic 6 a.m. phone calls! We'll have to see. Only 3 more full days til our day! And it's also 3 more full days for things to go horribly wrong and become one of those wedding horror stories. :)